Posts #22

 That top picture, I don't quite recognize the dog... but it appeared every once in a while in a super-suit with the name Killer on it. 
We had never seen the Killer.  But we had heard about her.  The Killer was a foot and a half long... God knows how wide... and she had fangs on her... and she'd rip the flesh off of your bones if she ever bit you.
The bottom photo, though, is Mitzi in her 'lair'.  It was her private space in the far corner of the living room, where she often nestled right between the Color Couch and the precious end table.  It looks like Mitzi is looking toward the living room window, maybe waiting for somebody.
My dumb ass has discovered how to attach more than one picture per post, but I don't want to post more than two at a time.  There's too much to talk about.  It's just that there's quite a surplus of shots of The Mitzi.  With the tag team of the Color Couches looking to steal the scenes.
Ah, also there's that afghan.  Mom made a lot of those for her kids.  That's a gift that never, ever gets old and only appreciates in personal value.


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