Post #39


The magnificent Pete Howell, ladies and gentlemen!
I reckon this is at his apartment on Noel Street back in the YQM era, when he was punching in guitar parts for the YQM CD on the DAT, or Digital Audio Tape recorder with Chris Goguen.  That would put this in the late 90s.
The thing about this picture that, as random as it seems, Pete looks like he's exuding the character that he was on the cover of the CD, the uptight media guy (which isn't him at all, but it was a 'character').  This could've been part of the promo material for that recording, now that I think of it.
I don't really talk about the YQM thing with too many people, because there were some who scoffed at us.  We just wanted to do it to say that we DID it.  And we did.  I think, actually, it was this evening that this picture was taken that he recorded the solo for 'Amazon Girls', which he wrote and had me sing.  And I've said this several times, but that very solo is one of my favorites of all, celebrity or not.  I don't care who doesn't agree with me either!  I don't just 'feel' I'm right, I Know I'm right.  One person's opinion is another's fact, and for me it's a fact.  Pete's not a flashy player by design.  He's a groove/feel based player and I'm proud as hell of whatever he plays, bass or guitar.  Though I selfishly tend to side with his bass playing, because that's where he and I lock in, so to speak.


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