Post #34


Where I just posted a shot of Alycia, like I'm also doing here, here's another actual picture of her here with her mom Heather and her grandmother, my Mom.  I think by the looks of it, I caught Heather off guard here!  As I do with a lot of people when I have a camera.
This would be when my brother Peter and Heather were married.  Heather looks like some kind of model here.  
Alycia always seemed to be laughing and having fun, as my memory serves.  This looks like it's in our living room at 136, maybe at Christmas time when the kitchen table was in there.  Maybe not.  I can't quite figure exactly what the occasion is here.
I remember Heather dropping in to see Mom a lot through the years.  If Mom were still around, she'd still be doing it.  
My brother Pete idolized Mom, like all kids should with their parents.  Always treating her like the Queen she was.


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