Post #31

Anyone remember this band in Canada from the 80s?
I loved this band a lot.  They came to Moncton to play the Coliseum many times through the 80s, and I saw them every time.  I liked them enough, apparently, to inspire me to draw their logo on a piece of bristol board and put it in my room.
I've got a lot of their songs on my Spotify list, and when I hear it today.... bloody friggin' hell, the singer, who was named, I kid you not... Holly Woods... had the biggest, strongest, most bombastic voice to ever be under-appreciated.  The whole band was just great.  They never overplayed or got too flashy, they just played great, straight-ahead rock and roll.  I believe Woods and her girl guitar playing partner Sharon Alton even wrote some of Heart's biggest songs.  
I remember one concert of theirs in particular for their 'Girls Night Out' tour.  My buddy Larry had a girlfriend who had a friend that would be a 'date' for me at this particular concert (I'd rather they be nameless, so as not to infer blame or something silly like that).  I was under the impression, anyway, that this other girl was my date... well, nope, she wasn't.  So my behavior that night of trying to treat a girl right on a first date was tremendously humiliating, to say the least.  I remember wracking my brain trying to figure out what I did wrong, and pretty much coming to the conclusion that girls just would never really go for me.  And that would be true for quite a while longer.  Man, did I beat myself up over those times back then.  It even makes my eyes water right now thinking of it.  "No one wants to be with an acne-riddled Square Boy like me... it's no wonder."  
Speaking of, remember Square Boys, that marshmallow graham cracker chocolate covered treat with coconut sprinkled on top you'd buy at the store beside the Wagon Wheels?  
Damn, now I want one---- and I can never have it!


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