Post #26

 Here's a peek at the aforementioned 'club days' when my mom would gather a group of her friends on Thursday nights, and they'd gather at the kitchen table and make crafts for Christmas and talk; also known as 'stitch & bitch' by some today; although there was really no bitching going on when they got together, they just loved each others' company.  That would be Flo from the Tracy family on the left, Jeanette Longphee in the middle, and dear 'ol Mom with one of her Benson & Hedges or Craven M smokes.  Sometimes she smoked Matinee Special Filter or Peter Jackson.
That paneling though, eh?  And those floral kitchen chairs.  Weird how styles evolve through time.  I remember thinking it was all so modern in its own days.
One of my brothers piped in some other names Mom would have over for these kinds of nights - names like Bertille, Kay, Pauline Wilson, Anita Tracy... there were so many.  Bertille was funny.  She'd often call when Mom was out and I'd answer the old Doodle phone:  "Ehhhhh, Mi-chael... is Mommy in or out?"  Um, nope, sorry Bertille, she's at the grocery store (or wherever at the time).  "Ah, okay.  Are you over at the house playing with your boyfriends?"  Oh dear oh dear oh dear.  Poor Bertille didn't quite keep up with some of the modern language, thinking that 'girlfriends' like Mom were to her equated my guy friends being 'boyfriends'.  I never corrected her, because it was always harmless.  
All of Mom's friends were always super nice to me.  Looking back, I can see that that would likely be because Mom would say to them how much I was going through.  It's a miracle I didn't wind up at death's door, many times.  Sometimes I wonder that Dad and my deceased Uncle Maurice from my Mom's side were watching over me, pushing back The Reaper.  I can practically hear them.... "No!!  This young man has a lot of things to do yet!!"  Uncle Maurice and Aunt Gail, his wife, seemed to fancy me growing up to be a priest.  Yeah, that didn't happen.


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