Post #18


The Mitzi.
I've been made aware that Cindy named Mitzi Mitzi.  And Mitzi was Mitzier than any other Mitzi ever.  Seriously, this dog was Mitzi as soon as she popped out of her mom's belly.
And She's So Heavyyyyyy.... we put her on diet food and everything, but this is just Mitzi.  
I remember feeding her Gaine's Burgers and Doctor Ballard's.  Then we had to switch her to Total Diet.  I think it was named that because the food sucked so much that she never ate it and always made her diet feel like a total diet.  
I believe I stated previously that it was plush brown carpet.... but no, that's the old shag carpet before it.  That was ugly, but at least Mitzi would do her Butt Moonwalk and it wouldn't be so noticeable.  Still, the brown plush carpet was even better for that!
Poor Mitzi got so fat that she needed a lift on her hind legs to join you on the couch.  And she always growled to let you know when you helped her:  'Watch those hands big boy!'
I totally believe Pope Francis when he said he thinks all animals go to Heaven.  Can you imagine the joy you'd see from all your passed pets when you joined them?  It's a happy thought to have.


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