Post #16


Selfie alert.
I look at this and I'm seeing young me starting back at old me.  
Here's what I have to say to Young Me:
Keep eating all the chocolate you want.  The hormone surge is causing the acne, not diet.  You'll get it taken care of.
I know girls don't seem interested right now.  But your time is coming.... soon!
You've been through a lot.  Stop blaming yourself for things that have happened to you that you had no control over whatsoever.  
As for things that went wrong that you did control, everybody will survive, and move on.  Life is what happens to everybody.
That drumming you're doing?  It'll get better... have patience.  And thank your brother Greg more.
Mom doesn't want you to leave.  Take care of her until it's her time.  Don't let anyone shame you.
Stop Blaming Yourself For Dad Passing.  The man was sick.  It couldn't be avoided at that point.
Try not to be Too bitchy.  You have every reason to, but rise above it.  It won't be easy.
The only time school will be easy is when you've graduated.  Hang in there.
Your generation had the hardest shot at a union job.  You won't find one.  But you'll move forward.
Try to grow up a little faster than you are.  Adulthood will kick your ass.  Get ready for it.
Re: Adulthood.... never ignore that child inside.
Be easy on yourself. You will get stronger as you go.


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